Tribhuvan University (2079), 3 Years/LL.B/1st Year/ LAW (New), Public International Law (303)
Full Marks: 100, Time: 3 hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
All the questions are of equal value.
Attempt any FIVE questions
1. Examine the relationship between international law and municipal law. What are the different theories of domesticating international law into municipal law? Explain.
2. What are the various sources of international law? How are the decisions or resolutions of general assembly and Security Council is are considered as the sources of international law?
3. Define treaty. Elucidate the practice as to the conclusion and entry into force of a treaty.
4. Why is an individual bestowed legal personality under international law? Discuss the rational behind the concept of considering an individual as legal person in international law.
5. Despite the various legal measures at international level, why is international law considered as a weak law. Examine critically.
6. What are the various means of settling international disputes? Discuss.
7. What is international humanitarian law? What are the fundamental rules of international humanitarian law applicable in the armed conflicts?
8. Write short notes on any THREE of the followings:
a) Reservation on treaty.
b) Mediation and good offices
c) Prisoners of war.
d) Jurisdiction in aero-space.
e) Jus Cogens.