TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY (2076), LL.B/Law/II Year, RegularFull Marks: 100, 


Time: 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The questions are of equal value.

Attempt any FIVE questions.

1. Section 9(1) of Nepal Treaty Act 1990 provides that the "any provision of Nepalese Law if contravenes with provision of a treaty which is accepted, acceded, or ratified by the parliament or to which Nepal is a party, the provision of existing law is void to such inconsistency". Does this provision of Treaty Act is suitable for the domestication of international treaties considering the role Nepal has been playing in international forum?

2. What is international humanitarian law? Explain the various sources of international humanitarian law.

3. What are the various organs of United Nations? Describe the functions of UN General Assembly.

4. What are the various methods of settling international disputes?

5. Define extradition? Briefly explain the extraditable and non extraditable crimes under Extradition Act 2070.

6. Evaluate the role of Security Council in maintaining international peace and security as provided in Chapter VII of Charter of the United Nations.

7. Write short notes on any THREE of the followings:

a Clasula ribus sic standibus

b. Exhaustion of local remedy rule

c. Reservation of Treaty

d. Consular in of treaty treaty,

e. Aggression


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